Our Causes

At the Chanell Wright “Save A Child” Foundation, we are dedicated to making a tangible difference in the lives of children affected by sickle cell disease. Our comprehensive range of programs is designed to address the multifaceted challenges these children and their families face every day. From crucial medical tests to essential daily support, each program we offer is a lifeline that extends far beyond basic care.

Explore our programs:

Discover our diverse initiatives below and see how each one contributes to improving health outcomes, providing educational support, and enhancing the quality of life for those affected by sickle cell disease. Your involvement and donations directly fuel these efforts, bringing hope and practical solutions to those in need.

  • Ferriscan – A test for iron overload in a child with S.C.D.  This scan provides crucial information to the patient’s doctors to help them best treat the children.  The scan is expensive and usually not covered by insurance plans, so most will opt out of this very beneficial test.
  • Luncheon –  We provide a monthly meal to 15 to 20 patients and their families during an all-day check-up. During a physically and emotionally exhausting day for the patients and their families, they can rest easy during lunch, knowing that we are taking care of one necessity of their day.
  • Education/awareness –  To help a child with S.C.D learn the quality of life. As the only foundation servicing S.C.D in our community, we are sometimes the only resource for these children and their families outside of their doctors who can provide insight into this disease and how best to approach it. Educating about suicide prevention is critically important.
  • Blood drive – Sickle cell patients can require a monthly blood transfusion to survive.
  • Financial assistance – Patients in need of assistance with prescriptions, electricity, and gas.
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